Sunday, May 10, 2020

Warning Signs You Need A New Roof

new-roof-300x200.jpgNobody said that being a homeowner is easy. At first glance you think that everything is fine but something might be wrong without you noticing it. This also applies to your roof. It may look nice from the street and seem to be in good shape to let rainwater to run off without issues. But your assumptions could be wrong. Roofs are built with durability in mind. However, they might appear in top condition in layers but if you look at it closely, you will be surprised that it actually needs extensive repair or worse, you might need a new roof. Provided below are some tips on what you need to look for in regards to the safety and health of your roof. Warped or Curled Shingles Have you seen a house with cupped or warped roofing shingles? This can be hazardous as it can leave the wood underneath exposed to all the elements. Although the tiles need replacement, the attic or the areas located directly below the roof should be checked. Expert Florence roofing contractors said that if these spaces become too hot or have a drastic change in temperature, the underside of the shingles respond to the change, which speeds up ageing. Although this is just one of many potential causes, it is good to start by adding temperature control features and proper ventilation to attic spaces. Doing this can help lower the risk of future damage. Bald Spots When checking the roof from a distance, you need to look for uniform and clean appearance and with no missing shingles. Your roof’s efficiency is decreased if there are bald spots of missing tiles. According to professional roofing contractors from Florence Roofing Experts, this can be caused by a lot of things. But whatever it is you need to attend to it right away. Small animals like squirrels and raccoons are the first cause of bald spots. It can also decrease the life span of your home’s roof by loosening or unhinging shingles. Apart from replacing missing materials, don’t forget to trim trees and natural elements that can aid creatures in getting access to your home’s high up sections. Bald spots can likewise be the result of loosened nails fastening tiles, but this will depend on the age of your roof. Check The Neighborhood In many modern neighborhood, some homes are usually constructed in the same era of time, which means they will be aging at similar paces. Therefore, the last tip when it comes to checking one you need to start considering a new roof is to watch the home improvement activities of your neighbors. Although you might not notice your own house needs a rooftop change, if other houses similar to yours are getting repairs, there is a big chance that the signs pointing to your own required refurbishment might have just gone unnoticed. Interior or Exterior Water Spots Since the primary purpose of a roof is to get rid of the possibility of rainwater getting into and destroying the constructs underneath, it is only natural for you to be concerned whenever you notice water spots throughout your house. When all windows, plumbing, as well as condensation and trapped moisture have been addressed, shingles, roof flashing, and wood underlay must be evaluated and checked as required.

Call Florence Roofing Experts if you think home needs a new roof.

Florence Roofing Experts Florence, SC 29501 843-212-7825

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